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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tough Cookie.

The past few months have been crazy. I get overwelmed just thinking of everything that has happened. Through it all I have learned a few things. 1) Real life is tough, no matter how nice others make it seem. 2) Real friends always show their faces when times get tough. 3) The people who tell you the truth all the time and especially when you don't want to hear it are the ones that should be kept close by. 4) Look though someone elses glasses to make sure you're getting a clear picture in yours. 5) God knows best and His time is not our time. Honestly very few people know what I have been dealing with in the last few months. Sometimes when things come up no matter how hard to try to explain to people how you feel sometimes they just don't get it. Many times this semester I realized that my life is about finding the answer to solve the problem. The problem in the problem sometimes is that there is no solution... So what's the answer? I have no clue! Why do you think I'm writing? Do you follow you're heart? Or use logic? They both seem like they could work but real life isn't that simple. The hardest thing for me to do was stay strong. I was always so easy in the past but it has gotten harder. I have been broken. The year is wrapping up and I am very glad. I'm ready to begin a new year and do this one right. 2007 is mine! Stake your claim on it too but this year is ending and my baggage is staying there.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I did it!

I can't believe I did it! I am so excited and amazed that I did. It looks a little crazy but I love it. It will take a little getting used to but this will be a good experience...I hope. Tell me what you think, it is not complete but it needs to take time to get my natural curl back. I had it cut and colored and I kept my hair.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

So much to say but I don't know how to say it.

It has been an interesting summer so far. More than you can imagine. Though there haven't always been good times I wouldn't take any of them back or change what has happened so far. Not knowing what step to take next have made decisions more difficult but at the same time just as fun. It is amazing to see how much all of us have grown when I interact with everyone individually. There is just something about the summer that allows thought and growth in an individual, at least I can say so for myself.

I went to Trinidad and I learned so much about myself because I learned about my family heritage. It was so enlightening to go to a place where my family lived as slaves and were freed. The place was Charlottesville, Tobago and it is beautiful.

My transition that I started last summer has been difficult because I don't like change or stepping out of my comfort zone. But everytime I feel like I want to stop and give up something happens to make me realize how much this needs to happen or someone will remind me of what things could be like in the future. Every day there is a lesson that I am supposed to learn. Most days I cannot focus and my vision is so blurred that I cannot see that there is a leasson sitting right in front of me.

God has given me so much and has promised to give me so much more if I believe and ask in his name. I doubt whether I can overcome my transition but it is not me but him. I have to remind myself that I could not have come this far without him so any futher will not be my doing.

There is so much more that can be expected, just wait for it.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Gone Traveling

At the moment I am sitting in my parents house and I am in the middle of doing my hair though I would much rather be asleep. It has been a long day. Yesterday I was running around huntsville trying to make sure I had everything I needed and then I got in Atlanta this morning and did the same thing. I went on a search to find a african braid shop that would do my hair at a descent price. But since I am poor that didn't exactly workout. So I decided to suck it up and do my hair myself. Now I'm about halfway done and all I want to do is sleep. I'm excited about going to Trinidad and seeing my family. I still get a little nervous on planes but I have more than enough books to comfort me. LOL. Anyway if you have time to check the blog I can give you an update and show you some pictures of Trinidad and Tobago. Oh yea and if you have a request for a souvenoir let me know asap. Lata guys, pray for me and I will be praying for you.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Speak Lord.

I'm actually scared of the future. I never been afraid of this before but now I am.

"There is not fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

Please pray.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Done with the interrigation process!

For every problem or decision in my life I have questioned God continually. And when I didn't get the answer that I wanted, the way that I wanted it answered I got mad. I been mad at God so much and honestly I should have been mad at myself for not trusting Him more. I heard I poem by Maya Angelou in which she stated that we interrigate God as if we have a right to. How can the clay question the potter, that just doesn't make sense. I believe that my journey to trusting God completely is just begining, though it took a while for me to get here. I have finally waved my white flag, and though I know that I will be waving it many more times, I am willing to continue doing so. I surrender, yes that's right Jailyn I've finally given up!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Trying new things!

Hello friends I hope that all is well and that we all find time this week to update our blogs. I really miss all of the profound thoughts.... I hope everyone is enjoying not having to study or take tests and is working hard to make that money!!!

On tuesday I went to a ballroom dance class and I sucked. It was funny though because I have rhythm and I can dance, but I didn't know any of the steps so I looked like I had two left feet. But it is amazing that people can know the steps to all of dances and make them their own. I really enjoyed it. I have been catching up with friends and trying to keep in contact with everyone while trying not to stay in the house constantly. I've been going swimming and working hard or at least acting like it. Enjoy everyday guys and try new things so that you can have stories to tell when we all get back. My little boo is growing and smiling and talking to everyone. Here is a recent picture. I love you all and I'm praying for you guys.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

And another one!

The Lord has blessed! I needed to get a steady client at work and I got one! Thanks to the Lord. That is a wonderful blessing and that is just one of the many that I could share but I don't think that anyone has that kind of time. I went to my family reunion last weekend and it was much better than I thought it would be. I saw cousins that I haven't seen in a while and met others that I did not even know existed. And of course it was great to see my people that I haven't seen in months. Actually coming back to hunsville after that was kinda bittersweet, part of me started to wish that I had went home for the summer. But its all goodI'll make it eventually. For some reason after reading some devotion today I feel empowered as if I can do anything. yea but other than that nothing new is going on with me. I've been thinking about alot lately so maybe one day I'll share it with you. Peace, Love and Blessings SALSA!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

May 25!!

May is over already! I'm still thinking that school just got out but time is going to fly by so quickly. The Lord has blessed me so far by allowing me to get more cases at work and hopefully they will just continue to pickup. I am very happy that Kell is back, I've missed her sarcasim! But I am sad that Mellena is leaving so soon. Thank you all for prying for my family cause so far things have worked themselves out and I know God is working on the rest. I'm going home thisweekend for a "family reunion" and for Mi'chelle's graduation. Mel, J can yoiu believe that girl will be a OC with us in august? Man we're getting old. Anyway my nephew "boo boo" is too cute and he's getting fatter (YES!!). Anyway that's the update for now. Praying for you all.

Friday, May 19, 2006


OK I wrote a nice long blog for you guys and it erased sorry but I cna't think to write that all again. Sorry until next time, or else call me and I'll tell you. Technology really sucks sometimes.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Only the begining

So far this summer I have gotten myself into some things that I may not do or that I haven't done in a while. I'm sewing, crocheting, already read 1 and half books, and started working on my scrapbook. That is only a few of the things that I have planned for this summer. I have high hopes for this summer and hopefully I won't be disappointed. I really fell something good coming this summer, I don't know what it is but I hope I'm not getting my hopes up for no reason. Well until next time....

Seize the day!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My prayer you..

Yes all of you are in my prayer circle and I am asking that you pray for my family. There are some situations going on that only the Lord, and I mean only He can handle. Who else do you turn to when it is only possible with God. Please pary that his will be done and that the best and not the worst will come out of this.

Thanks guys.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ungrateful, Maybe?

It is obvious that we take alot for granted. Who would have thought that a drive home after finals would be the last day that two girls would be alive? Okay understand what I am saying for a second. They were not at the club or in a place where someone would assume that it would happen. I just hope that they were living right and they both were able to have a relationship with God. And if this is not enough of a wake-up call for some I don't know what it will take to wake them up. I also found out that a distant cousin of mine was found dead in his cousin's house last night. It seems that there was a robbery and he was shot.He had just graduated from aeronautical school and was about to move because he received a job. Once again he was nto out in aparant danger, though he could have been. All of the things that we worry about mean nothing if we won't be saved one day. Let's not take anyone or anything in our lives for granted. And though you may not always want to, let those who you care about know that you love them, whether is through actions or words. Often we underestimate the power and influence that we have through our actions, words, and even our lack of action. I found this quote by Nelson Mandela that I believe is very powerful.
Our Greatest Fear

Nelson Mandela, 1994 Inaugural Speech

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,but that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinkingso that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.It is not just in some; it is in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine,we consciously give other people permission to do the same.As we are liberated from our fear,our presence automatically liberates others.
For all who do not know I love you all and you have a special place in my heart.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Starting a Trend

I spent another weekend at home, again, not sure if it was by choice though. Both Alumni weekend and Youth Congress weekend I did not do what I usually would, instead I stayed away from the crowds. I actually have felt more relaxed and I have come to terms with the fact that I am not a "social butterfly". Learning to be comfortable with myself is one of the hardest things that I have had to do, but I am having fun doing it. Everything around me is changing and I am learning to deal with it without rejecting it. Everyone around me is changing and growing also. Good job guys!

Alright well that's all for now. This is the last week of classes and I know that I do not feel like studying anythign or looking at a single book. I just want to sleep, eat, an dmake money. Okay so I'm jumping the gun a little bit, I know I have to take my finals first. 4 more days, and I can take a break.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Counting my blessings.

There is someone who is apart of my life that was not here this time last week...It's Daniel (Boo Boo) Jones!!! He came into the world calmly but determined to be outside of the womb. His mother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and well wishers are very happy to have him here. Welcome Daniel!!

Officially 1 week and 5 days left of classes and I feel like I have senioritis, only I'm not a senior. Lately there has been alot more procrastinating on my part and its taking over my life!! But I feel mentally and physically drained from school. In spite of my slackness God has been blessing me and I am doing well in my classes because of his grace... It is only through him that I made it through nursing this far, while doing fitness & wellness. So I have to thank God for these blessings.

Last week was trying for my emotionally. I went to work two weeks ago for my evaluation. Basically on a scale of 1 to 4, (1 being the best and 4 the worst) I got a.... 4. A 4!!!! Can you believe it? I was devastated because I have being trying very hard to do everthing that they expect of me. What makes me upset is that as far as work int he store goes I was always the one trying to find something to do and when I was given a task I always worked until it was done. I worked hard but they did not seem to care about that. I didn't know what to do. They put me on probabtion and said that I would be evaluated again in may. But Monday something told me to go to a Senior Assisted Living Center and apply. I went and on the spot I was given a job for after school finished. Also the nursing Recruiter a Huntsville hospital called and told me to apply again so that she could check out my application!! God is so good!! The Lord is blessing me and giving me options, Praise Him!!

Issues with trusting God have kept me back from many blessings that I know he has waiting for me. There is so much I want to trust him with and I am workign on doing that one bit at a time. And because he hasn't failed me yet my strength in him is building. I don't know when I'll be ready for the blessings that he is holding onto for me but I know that they are there.

Have a great week! We are almost done with this school year. (Okay so I got a little happy with the camerra on Sat. nite :), oops)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Counting Down !! Part 2

There are officially 2 weeks and 5 days left of school for this semester. The reality of the ending of my junior year is really setting in. I find myself often looking back at this school year and what has and hsa not taken place. I will be 21 this year and I find myself re-evaluating everything that I though I was and what I want to become. I know that I am not the only one who has been doing this either. In the movie 30 Years to Life a group of friends were evaluating their lives and what they hoped to have had by this time. If you have not seen this movie you was like looking at my own personal circle.

While talking to a friend this week I realized that many people on campus are looking and seeing the same things that my friends and I always talk about. He said something interesting..he said that there are too many goodlooking people on campus who were unhappy. I found this interesting because I am hearing of more situations where those in relationships are leaving them because they are not happy and somehow they thought that being in one would make them happy. The reality is that most people who are not happy with themselves will not be happy with someone else. While talking to my friend he asked me what I thought would be the best way to avoid ending up in a situation like that, and I found that odd because he was so much older than me and I felt like he should be shedding some wisdom in my direction. But I answered him saying that it is important to find ourselves and be comfortabel with yourself. I feel like my girls and I are on the road to self-discovery and I told him that it is important to have peopl ein your life who won't let you feel sorry for yourself and who will tell you the truth. My friend was very impressed and told me that though there were goodlooking people on campus he was looking for something that was really of substance, his words were actually something with some fire... Wraping this up, it is important to exercise faith (and I'm speaking to myself too..) and trust God. It is obvious that he will not fail us or intentionally do wrong to us, clearly how far we have come is an indication of that. Just be prepared in case your day is today... I believe that is the time that I should be working on me. This is probably the only time that I will have in my life to worry about only me. I might as well enjoy it.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Boy have times changed...

The things that I have seen change in my lifetime is sometimes hard to fathom. Times are changing for the good, even though some seem like they are for the bad. I don't know about anyone else but I want to be ready for whatever comes. No one knows the future but we can put our best foot forward and step out on faith. Oh the things I have seen and the people that have changed... I just chuckle to myself. Kell so much to tell you when you come back!

Peace, Love, Blessings to all!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

A New Day, New Beginings!

Smiles all around!!! I'm ready... I really am. The sun is shining and I am ready.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Counting Down!!

Our days are numbered guys!! We have 5 weeks and two days left of this semester. Though it seems it is getting harder it is exciting to me because that means that the race is almost over. Yesterday was such a rainy day that I wanted to enjoy by sleeping. Though I did not get to do that I still thought about it and it made me smile( yea, yea I know its weird).

Anyway so I have a thought and a question. We should do whatever it takes to make love work right? But honestly what should the extent be of one's personal sacrifice of their commitment to their love? Okay I know this is weird guys but I've been thinking that if you cannot sacrifice soomething for the ske of your love then you are not giving love your all. Okay for all the single people (me too!!!) how much do you think you will be willing to let go, give up, or sacrifice for the sake of your love. And how do you know you have gone too far? I know in reality that we will not truthfully be able to answer this question unless you are in the situation but try to be honest with yourself. I know that if I am honest with myself there will be a limit to my sacrifice for love and my reason is for another blog, another day.

What do YOU think?

Monday, March 13, 2006

Can I rewind just a little bit?

I had a really nice and heartfelt blog but it was erased just when I was about to post it. I had a very good weekend. The Tennessee Aquarium was nice with lots of laughs (just gotta love my friends). So many different reptiles and they looked different and unique. It made me proud because that means God made no mistakes when He made me. We are all different for many reasons and once we become comfortable with that we can stop worrying about the petty stuff and start being thankful for what we have.

Okay so in other news I am really starting to slack off in my school work. It is so hard to push myself to spend that extra time in the books. I feel like I wasted my Spring Break doing work when I shouldn't have done anything at all. Now I want a break and I can't get one. It sucks but I will have to find a stress reliever to get my mind off of school in the weekends. I like to think of this temporary though and that soon I'll be back on the grind and not stressing out like this.

Praying for you all that read the blogs regularly. Kelle, Javario, Mel, Jailyn, Danielle and Matt. I hope we all get that burst energy to help up finish up the school year right.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Trying to make it.

Okay so this week has been so difficult that saying it has been hard is an understatement. I know that everyone is feeling the burn of the last few weeks, 7 and 2 days to be exact. Remember the race is not for the swift but for those who perserve to the end.


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Recap of spring break and then some....

Days 4 and % of Spring Break were very relaxing. I went home to Atl and just enjoyed being taken care of again. I slept, ate and did some school work, all while chilling with the fam. Though I did not get all of my work done I have no regrets, I enjoyed myself.

I have an issue I would like share about RESPECT. Now this is something that we think we know all about. We may say that I will respect those who respect me or that if someone demands respect then they should get it. Okay well while talking to some males I've realized that there is a problem in our generation. There is a lack of respect for women on all levels. I have heard males say if a female doesn't respect herself then he will not respect her and treat her like a lady. THAT IS A PROBLEM! Sadly I've seen much lack of respect all around. It is bad enough to see it on t.v. or in a public place but at church? I've seen men not give there seat to an older lady on the bus. I've seen children disrespecting adults to their faces. I've even seen males who are my age talk to a female, calling her out of her name and she answers. Where has all the respect for ourselves, women, and our elders gone. It is not fair to say that there is nothing that can be done. I was talking with a guy who said to me that he would never hold the door open for a woman who did not respect herself. I told him that wasn't fair to her or to the other women out there. What happened to the days when guys pulled out chairs, offered up their seats, or carried heavy bags. There are still some guys who will do that but what about the others. Just because a female does not hold herself up to a certain standard to be treated does not mean that she should not be treated that way. Lets be real, today we can never be sure that everyone is taught respect but those of us who do know should mention it. When a girl is putting herself in a category with a piece of meat we should say something. And we should call guys out when there is blatant disrespect happening right in front of us. It seems that maybve everyone needs to be reminded that it could be their mother, sister, aunt, or grandmother being disrespected and their father, brother, uncle, or grandfather disrespecting them.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Okay so Day 3 has been a long day. I went to work for a few hours and then went visiting for a second. Today was such a beautiful day outside and I was trying to enjoy it as much as I could. I was thinking about somethings today and I would like to share one of those things with you. Think of us. Think of the things we talk about now. Think about the asperations that we have for ourselves. Where do you think we'll be a few years from now. What if all that we hope for ourselves comes true? What if it doesn't? I was jsut thinking of that and I wanted to let you know.

Hits and Misses of the Day

- My boss buying me lunch though it did not taste that good
- Getting an extra hour in at work
- A visit from some friends
- Getting to wash my car (its been months)

- Not getting my school work finished
- Among other things that I can't remember (guess they weren't that important)

I hope everyone is enjoying this break and will be ready to get back and finish these last 8 weeks. Nite.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Day 2 (a little late?)

Well day 2 was full of nothing but work. It is cool though I racked up some dough for later on. Thank God! Any hits and misses for yesterday.

- a visit from one of my boys
- making some good ole pasta after starving for hours
- getting off of work a little early

- being so tired
- almost running out of gas on the road
- being so broke that I want to scream (but i'm okay now, i'm serious)

Okay so that was yesterday. In a few hours I will update you on day 3. Lata

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Day 1

Today began day 1 of my Spring Break. I am so focused on two things this week, working and getting my work done. Plan for spring break did not work out for lots of reasons, but its alright but it will all work out (I'm really trying to believe that).

Hits of the day
- The huntsville art museum
- Being able to pic up extra hours at work
- Having great friends to help me out even when they may not want to

Misses of the day
- Not having my car (Kerwin needs a car asap)
- Very bad hair
- Not getting any school work done

Anyway I have a few petitions of God that I would rather not say, but I ask that you please just pray for a breakthrough for me. That's all for day 1. Nite.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Tyler Perry....

For all those who haven't seen Madea's Family's Reunion it is a must-see. I have seen the play and the movie was nothing like I thought is would be. The movie is just wonderful and a serious discussion movie. It mades me and my girls think and gave us hope of something better for us one day. During the movie I was saying to Jailyn, "I'm gonna pray, I'm gonna pray.." Then I was saying " I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna fast..." and it was so crazy but I thought I was gonna cry. By the end of the movie I had hope that somewhere out there was a wonderful that God has been preparing for me. I can't wait to see what God has for me. But for now I know that I am not ready for him. I would like to think that I am preparing to give my best to him and he is preparing to give his best to me. There's no need to half step, it is possible to get the best man possible as long as I let God do it for me. Please see this movie, bootleg or not, it will help you to embrace all of the love around you with family, friends, and otherwise. Love you all!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Spring Break!!!

Bittersweet that all I can say to describe this. I'm glad that we're getting a break from classes but at the same time I'm mad cause I'll be in huntsville. That was fine during Christmas break because I was so broke but now its not. I'm still broke but I don't want to be here. But I'm gonna take this time to make more money(hopefully) and get my school work done. Next year ladies I will not be doing this so we gotta get our stuff together or else we're all gonna stay here together.

Okay so you know I'll be updating everyday right?! :)

P.S. Here's a picture fromthe banquet for those who were not there.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Just Ask!!!

So scratch that last blog. Just ask and you will know if that person is worth breaking down over or trying to figure out something about. Sometimes is takes being straight up and asking for what you want to find out who is really is worthy of your time. Just make sure you ask God to guide your steps and definetly your words. And prepare yourself for any answer. Make God your number 1 consultant. Friends may give you good advice but sometimes they can't cut it. Talk to God about everything because He will hear and answer your prayer. I tried to upload a pic so u can understand what I mean but its not working so, I'll try again lata.

Songs that make me think a little bit...

Okay you know how you have those songs that make you think of...well I can't speak for everyone else but I can speak for myself. Mariah Carey's song Breakdown speaks of a young lady interested in someone but when they don't get the same response emotionally from him she acts as if she doesn't care. So many times as females we do that and act like we don't care knowing good and well that we do. It really hurts to feel rejected and know that before this person came into your life you could hold it all together. Then it seems you're doing things you would have never done before and before you know it you are confused about everything. LOL. I know you ladies feel me. Lets just say you get to the point where you feel like you're hooked and you can't understand why but you're trying to act as if you don't. Basically eventually you reach your breaking point wherever that may be for you. In Musiq's song Something he talks about a lady that he can't seem to get out of his head because there is just something about her that draws him. Its something in the ways she talks and walks that makes him curious that he doesn't want to leave. And when she asks if their love will grow he says he doesn't know. But if she sticks around then she will know. And he says again that because he doesn't know that he doesn't want to leave her now.

I don't know guys, I know we've all felt this way at some point in our lives. and sometimes when you don't think anyone knows how you feel there are clearly others who have gone through the same thing. It kinda makes you wonder if you should sometimes breakdown and get over it or find out what that something is about that person.

What do you guys think?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Play'd Again?

Thinking about be ing honest with myself has caused me to draw a couple of conslusions. I have avoided being honest with myself and those around me because of how I would feel. Doing this will cause me to have to put my pride and my guard down and make me quite vulnerable. Being honest with myself means accepting things as they are and dealing with them. I want to give up as I always do and become a man-hater again but I don't think I have the energy and I'm tired of escaping that way. My first instinct at most times is to hide or stay home all the time and sleep. I have always asked the Lord to lead me in these situations but it seems that this time it didn't work out and that it may never work out. I have to accept that and not give up hope but just relax and take care of me and wait for whoever he will be one day. One piece of advice though, everytime someone is not honest with you and you find out later it hurts so try not to do that to someone else. Be honest and straightup. So that everyone around you will know how you are for the jump. Okay for real you guys this is me being very honest and I honestly am more confused than ever.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Love Day!!!

On a day like today a bitter/loving female like me would be depressed but this year I was determined not to sulk in what I didn't have. Instead I planned ahead of time and bought a shirt that says "Kiss Me" and wore it today. I woke up a little disappointed cause I knew what day it was but still I wore my shirt anyway. I gave gifts to my friends and other people who are important to me. I didn't get kissed but its alright because I was happy all day. I gave myself something to be happy about. I had to work tonight and even went in there with a smile on my face. I know that I do want someone that my heart skips for, that will make me feel all mushy, but at the same time is my friend. I want all of that but in time that will come. For now I just thank God for my parents, family, friends and people who I didn't even realize cared. Jailyn keeps saying its our year and all we have to do is claim it but first we have to be honest with ourselves. I'm still trying to understand what that means and how it pertains to me. But anyway I will ponder on it and continue another day. There are only 5 minutes left of Valentine's Day 2006 I hope you've told someone that you love them. Until tomorrow....
Happy Love Day!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Here's an Update!

Okay I don't have anything to talk about that I wouldn't be afraid for others to read. SoI'll update you on what you already know. School is hard of course but with God's help I've been able to take the time to study and do my best. Working has been a chore and sadly lately I've been quite strapped for money, but that's alright too cause the Lord knows. I've decided not tobe bitter this year, cause usually at this time I start to get mad the world and not just at men. I was on a rampage during christmas break and I was mad at all men (not really thoguh cause I still love them.) Anyway this Valentine's Day I'm gonna enjoy the day and not let get depressed eating chocolate and watching sappy movies. Nope none of that this year. Moving on to other things though, Kelle I know that you want to travel and I would love to travel too but in thinking about my future I'm not sure where I want to go after I graduate. Not even for the first year. So I'm just wondering where I can see myself, because though I want to travel I need to have somewhere to live first. Okay I'm getting writers block so ladies here's a song to take you in to the Sabbath Superhero by Brian McKnight and Fred Hammond. Listen to this song if you can. Until next time ladies(S.A.L.S.A., Inc.) and other guests, hopefully I'll have exciting something to tell you next time.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Another Day Just Chillin.

Another school day has gond by and I'm chillin now cause I've gotten most of my school work done. I've learned to consume myself in my school work and nothing else. But its cool though cause that is why I'm in college anyway. So... I have nothing else to say but Kelle I've been trying to remember to pray every night at 9pm. That's all until next time.


Monday, January 30, 2006

Singing it out, better yet Shout it out!!

Have you ever wanted to say something or explain how you were feeling but you did not know how to do it? Billie Holiday is just singing it out I don't know which song she is inging about but she is singing. Just about every emotion can be equated with this picture. She could be mad at someone, or sad and instead of crying may be singing it out. She sould be passionate about something that she is thinking about or excited about a new day to come. Sing whatever song you want to sing through Ms. Holiday and let is all out. You should never be afraid to let it all out. When you let it all out it does doesn't have to be for anyone to see or hear but just so you can have some peace of mind. There have been a few warm days lately, enjoy them when you're out in the sun and think about what you want to sing about.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Are we really ready for changes?

Last night ended the back to school revival for this semester. When the altercall was made I was really struggling about whether I should get up. You see this is very difficult for me because of how public that action is. Finally I asked a friend to come with me and I went. After thinking it over for a while I wanted to get rebaptized. Pray for me please. I don't really know if I can give up those things that may cause me to fall or stay away from my weaknesses. My girls (S.A.L.S.A., Inc.) please pray for me.


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Just Another Day

Sorry its been so long since I've been on the blog Kelle, I'll try not to do that to you again. Guess what I have internet at my apt!!! I'm so happy. Anyway from now on I'll make sure and keep up with my fellow bloggers.

A question that has been onmy mind today is, "Why do people stereotype psychologists and therapists are so afraid to go talk to them?" Tell me what you think I would really like to know.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

New semester and already DRAMA, But this year is already yours!!

This semester seems so promising when during the break I honestly did not know what to think. Jaquece and Jailyn don't worry the Lord is going to take care of you and bless you both. Mel this is definetly your year. Kelle this is your year too and you're starting off with the enperience of a lifetime. Danielle new experiences and trials only come to make us stronger. Candace keep pimping. Mellena yours is coming chica. I wish I could say how I'm thinking and feeling right now but all I can say is let God help you live up to your full potential. This your year ladies, everyone of you!! Claim it!


Friday, January 13, 2006

This may be our Year!!! 2006 Here we come!

Take this year one day at a time.
Know when to seize the day and when not to.
Enjoy the things you love most as long as you'll have them.
Take care of yourself, mind, body and soul.
Never forget to take time for you.
Give your heart cautiously but make sure to give your heart.
And remember that through it all God is your ultimate and best friend.

Give your best in the new year.