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Thursday, March 02, 2006


Okay so Day 3 has been a long day. I went to work for a few hours and then went visiting for a second. Today was such a beautiful day outside and I was trying to enjoy it as much as I could. I was thinking about somethings today and I would like to share one of those things with you. Think of us. Think of the things we talk about now. Think about the asperations that we have for ourselves. Where do you think we'll be a few years from now. What if all that we hope for ourselves comes true? What if it doesn't? I was jsut thinking of that and I wanted to let you know.

Hits and Misses of the Day

- My boss buying me lunch though it did not taste that good
- Getting an extra hour in at work
- A visit from some friends
- Getting to wash my car (its been months)

- Not getting my school work finished
- Among other things that I can't remember (guess they weren't that important)

I hope everyone is enjoying this break and will be ready to get back and finish these last 8 weeks. Nite.


Justwrite85 said...

Only eight! I love it!

Raquel said...

i cant believe its only 8...oh dear what am I going to do with myself? anyways, im glad you are enjoying your break. ttys. lata