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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Counting Down!!

Our days are numbered guys!! We have 5 weeks and two days left of this semester. Though it seems it is getting harder it is exciting to me because that means that the race is almost over. Yesterday was such a rainy day that I wanted to enjoy by sleeping. Though I did not get to do that I still thought about it and it made me smile( yea, yea I know its weird).

Anyway so I have a thought and a question. We should do whatever it takes to make love work right? But honestly what should the extent be of one's personal sacrifice of their commitment to their love? Okay I know this is weird guys but I've been thinking that if you cannot sacrifice soomething for the ske of your love then you are not giving love your all. Okay for all the single people (me too!!!) how much do you think you will be willing to let go, give up, or sacrifice for the sake of your love. And how do you know you have gone too far? I know in reality that we will not truthfully be able to answer this question unless you are in the situation but try to be honest with yourself. I know that if I am honest with myself there will be a limit to my sacrifice for love and my reason is for another blog, another day.

What do YOU think?


Justwrite85 said...

It is so funny you should ask this question because I was thinking about it today and talking to a friend about it last week. I first must say I have come to the point in my life where I am honestly willing to sacrfice a lot for the sake of love. Why? Because I know that the person is worth it. I mean why risk missing out on something the Lord has for you because you are to full of pride to sacrfice. Most of us don't sacrifice enough for the small things we want right now. Why? Because we are to selfish or because we are scared. Living life in a box is not living at all. At some point you must be willing to step out.

I think that is is important that you ask yourself also, "How much would I want someone to sacrfice for me?" And how will you know when you have given to much. When you have nothing more to give. When are all used up, that is when you have given up. (But in true love the rarely happens because the both of you are giving just as much so you are getting as much as your giving.)

I think it just goes back to being a fighter. You will fight for the things you want the most. Sacrfice is an important part of all relationships. If you love someone you want to make them happy, you might not always be as happy as you want but it means a lot to you to know you put a smile on their face.

ゲームの皇帝 said...

I wrote tooo much, so I knocked it down. Okay sweet and simple i'd sacrifice the necessary requirements for love. That means giving up reasonable things. True love, or just plain love can blind you! So, I'd give up a lot. Love is apart of our schedule. Just as long as the love is mutual and there's enough output for everyone to be happy; they might not have to sacrifice as much. Why? because different people live different lives. If I don't have a busy schedule like her I don't have to sacrifice as much. But, I would never let someone sacrifice blindly or rediculously for love, no matter how strong. Because it'll be the love I have for them to hopefully not allow total blindness. Also yeah someone commented love is "rare" which it truely is. So, if the oppurtunity comes up, don't wait. You may never get that chance...

Mel said...

i have to agree with both Jailyn and Javario.

wow jailyn! u just took the words right outta my mouth. i was thinking the EXACT same thing. well put! i'm not gonna say the same thing again, but i do wanna say that i dont like u singling out the "single people". i dont feel like i should answer this question, but i will cuz i can....

those questions were once mine not to long ago, remember?

i can honestly say that i have sacrificed A LOT for the sake of my true love because i KNEW that it wasn't time to let go or give up. when i felt like giving up, i couldnt. i was holding on to something that was not there, but in the back of my mind it possibly could be. little did i know, i was actually holding on to something NOT in vain.
so yeah, i was tired of holding on and getting hurt in the process because it felt like he wasn't holding on to love or me, but he was. i know that i am a fighter (i just found that out) and i just realzied How Strong i AM. i've been through a lot, but in the end its worth it because now u have someone to mend ur broken heart with theirs and make it whole again.
so, i do believe in fighting for love ONLY if ur for sure that u wanna take that ride. love is a sacrifice, think about JESUS. he loved us and sacrificed himself for us. thats the kind of love u must acquire in order to move on.