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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Trying to make it.

Okay so this week has been so difficult that saying it has been hard is an understatement. I know that everyone is feeling the burn of the last few weeks, 7 and 2 days to be exact. Remember the race is not for the swift but for those who perserve to the end.



Raquel said...

you guys are killing me with this countdown stuff. i can't believe there are less than 2 months to go... keep hanging on

Justwrite85 said...

Keep on pressing on girl. You're right the race is not given to the swift, so just hang in there.

ゲームの皇帝 said...

Hey sorry bout your week, hope things look better for you comming up. I know they will, things only get harder to make us stronger. Plus, my week was a lil rough too. I can't compare cause I'm not working>lol But, hope things turn up. Plus Matt: hope things go good for you too, Melanie, Kell, Jailyn, Krystle, I think that's everyone. ttyl

Mel said...

wow, we have less than two months?

i didnt even realize it.....