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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Looking for L@ve

Everyone looks for love in some way, shape or form. There is a picture perfect love that everyone invisions (I think thats how you spell it) for themselves. For some it may be that story book fairy tale love, or love drawn together through fate. For me I long for that love where the person for me is my best friend literaly not by the title. Thats the reason I feel that it is so important to make friends because you never know who will turn out to be "the one" for you. As a female I know that there are females like myself who want many characteristics in a future mate and are just waiting. Sometimes I look at the males who have something to offer and it discourages me because everything that I want is not there. The warped world we live in has numerous counts of divorces, infidelity, and other forms of corruption. But I gain some hope when I see couples who have been together for years and could not be anymore in love. I look at their love and I hope that one day my husband and I will be able to say the same thing about our relationship. In my heart I'm still searching for my love and I know many other females are also (sorry guys I can only speak for the females). Believe me even though I am waiting for that "ONE" for me and I am in no way rushing into anything or willing to take it lightly. I will though continue looking to see what they males around me have to offer. For now I'll enjoy the love of my friends and family until that time comes for me. And if it doesn't I know that I will still be happy.

1 comment:

Justwrite85 said...

Who is the philosopher now? Defintely not me. And talk about opening your soul. You said you couldn't do it. Excellent!:)