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Thursday, June 16, 2005

There are signs everywhere

Whenever I have a problem I pray about it. It seems though that I never get a direct answer from God and my friends feel like that also. An experience this week has shown me that God does answer but when he answers we have to be really connected to him to hear him. God speaks through people many times. I know there are comments made by people that we may not like but sometimes that may be what God is trying to tell us. I was reading my devotion this morning and it was talking about this same topic using the story in 1 Kings 22:1-39. Its about Ahab and the prophet that he didn't like because the prophet never said anything that he wanted to hear. But the fact was that God was speaking through the prophet to Ahab and if he had listened he would not have died the way he did (read it you'll understand). My devotion basically said that there are real prophets as well as false prophets in our lives who will both claim to be telling us the truth. Anyway what I'm trying to say is that the signs are all around us. Whether or not we are able to see the signs depends on our relationship with God as well as the amount of interference there is between our antennas and God. Remember spiritual things are spiritually discerned, so don't expect an answer from God when your antenna is picking up things that have nothing to do with God. We constantly cry out to God to help us, show us and give us so much but often times we fail to do our part. I know that I have not done my part and I know that I may still fall but I know what was messing up my reception (come on get with the metaphors). I'm not perfect but I am willing to try....

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