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Friday, June 24, 2005


I was talking to a friend of mine tonight and he said that he was ready to go back to school. Even though he is not the first person to tell me that I was still a little shocked. My life may be quite boring right now but I would rather enjoy this boredom for as long as possible before I have to go back to studying.

What I miss the most is hanging out with my girls at school. When we go back this school year I won't be the same because everyone is doing their own thing and will be split up. I will miss all of our long talks and moments of acting silly to entertain ourselves. There are few females that I can call friends and this school year these ladies have increased that number for me. Apart of me wants us to stay together and really be like Girlfriends on TV, but sadly that is not realistic. I will miss all my girls but I hope that are friendships are strong enough that we will always remember each other and the times that we had together.

1 comment:

Justwrite85 said...

Ahhhhh, that was beautiful! Much love to you girl. Friends for life. ;)