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Sunday, June 05, 2005

Just venting..

Its so crazy how most of our lives we have figured out and then when the time comes for something to happen it never does. Its like we do all that planning in vain. Sometimes I wonder if it is even worth wasting the time to make plans. I've heard some say that it does not work to make plans because they never work out but I'm not so sure if I agree with that. There are people who can plan their lives and their lives will go according to the plan. I know I'm not one of them I make plans and some work out and other don't. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm not making the right plans. Either way I've learned to go with the flow. Sometimes life throws curve balls at us without us even knowing where they came from or how to react to them. Alot of times when stuff happens to me or don't happen to me I look up at the sky and I hope that God will peek out and let me know what's going on. Maybe let me in on some secret that will explain my life. I really want to go to heaven so I can ask God questions about my life and the people that have come into my life. I'm so confused...what to do?what to do? Anyway I'm not going to go into details about my personal business but I know I'm not the only one trying to hear God give me the answer to my problems. Until I get an answer I will look up at the sky and keep waiting.

1 comment:

Justwrite85 said...

I absolutely love the title