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Sunday, July 03, 2005

Social life? What's that?

Well this summer has honestlty been a little boring for me. Not enough "good" excitement. I just stay home and chill basically. I do not have much freedom here and I'm used to it but I want change. I thought when I reached this age that I would have endless things to do and people to see. Boy was I wrong. Anyway I can honestly say that i miss Oakwood but for one reason only. Because I had somewhat of a social life there. That is the only, only reason that I say I want to go back. Blockbuster has gotten too much of my time and money this summer. I'm gonna be 20 soon and I do nothing but stay home. I don't have a problem with being home but I would like to have the option of doing something other than watching movies. Yea as you can see I'm just venting I'll be better in the morning. Goodnight.

1 comment:

Justwrite85 said...

I feel you gurl...hopefully it will get better.;)