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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 3

Day 3 of Orientation started out pretty well. Partly because I had a good breakfast and more sleep but mostly because I had some coffee. Since I've been out of the classroom setting for so long its really hard for me to sit still and listen to someone talk for 8 hours a day without falling asleep. I know it also has to do with lack of sleep because I'm still getting adjusted to going to sleep early again. I learned a lot and had a lot of information reinforced also. Kinda made me excited to get out on the floor, but nervous at the same time.

My prayers tonight took long.So many people to pray for! Prayer works though!

I hope I can fall asleep now.. I've been lying in bed trying to for at least an hour. I tried reading, singing.. I give up... I'm just gonna look at the ceiling until it comes.

I read a line in Proverbs tonight that said something that I needed to hear.
"A prudent man concealeth knowledge..." translation : Krystle keep your mouth shut.

Speak Lord!

Saturday, August 01, 2009


When I left for college I left my church behind and always thought I would come back to it. After being away for so long and seeing life outside of it I have to admit I have no interest in attending there anymore. It's not that I don't love the people but I'm ready to find my only place that I can relate to. I feel like my old church focuses on things that are irrelevant and I would rather go on to the important things. Former church members get offended when I tell them that I don't really want to attend there but I don't think they understand that I experienced different things and I am ready and willing to move on to a new church. I can't really relate to anyone in my old church anymore. There weren't many people my age anyway and the people that were there now have children or are married. I can't relate to them on that level anymore especially since I'm single and just starting out in life. I don't know its hard enough making friends here in atlanta especially since all my friends are elsewhere but man... people's lives change so quickly.
Anyway that's my dilemma for today. I just always seem to feel bad when I tell people how I feel.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Black in America 2

I was really inspired by this years program. There is so much that I want to do and so many ideas in my head that I sometimes feel like I'm not going to be able to accomplish it all. Watching the program has given me the fire though to get started, do my research and make no excuses. This is my dream and if I don't do what God has given me a passion for He will find someone else to do it. So I'm off to work. If you know one of my dreams get ready to be one of my "guinea pigs". Hey, I have to start somewhere! Off to work!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


It's been a while since I've gotten to write on my blog. Since the last time I took and passed the boards, moved back to Atlanta and got a new job. Many changes in a small space of time. Usually I don't like change but this time I really believe it has been better than not letting things change. Moving back to atlanta has been the biggest change to me. I went from being independent to back at home with the family and so far everything has been good... but it's still early. I think moving home is one of the best things I could have done. Yea there are positives and negatives of being back but I can handle the negative.

Today I'm headed to my friends wedding and I am so happy for him. I remember when told me that he had proposed to he, he was so excited. It's amazing to see men that are happy with the women they have chosen to marry. A man in love is an exciting thing to see. I'm so happy for him.

Also today is my brother's birthday! He's 22 today and starting to grow up.

Friday, June 12, 2009

My Facebook Survey! On my Blog.

1.My ex......Oh the boyfriend that I didn't know I had lol, no seriously he thought we were in a relationship and didn't tell me until 2 years later... seriously...
2. Maybe I should....apply for an actual nursing job... that might make sense since I do have a nursing degree.
3. I love.. my family, my friends and me. Other people, I am working on not loving at the moment!
4. People would say that I am..... mean, bossy, quiet, headstrong... if they only knew...
5. I don't understand....why life has to be hard when you are genuinely trying to make things better for yourself... and also why the inside of offices hae to extremely hot in the winter and cold in the summer?.... I'm just saying... can I get a blanket or something?
6. When I wake up in the morning..... I look to see if sunlight is coming into my room then roll over and pick up my devotional before getting out of bed.
7. I have lost....... I don't lose things. Oh I'm sorry... friends occasionally, lol.
8. Life is full of......... Happy moments and sad moments. and all the ones in between.
9. My past taught me....... That the only person looking out for me is me and some poeple will never understand the little sacrifices that you make for them.
10. I get annoyed when...... people are inconsiderate and don't think about the next person before they speak or act.
11. Parties result in.... me dancing until I'm sleeping and finding a place to rest my head when its all over.
12. I wish......I could understand why God allows somethings to happen.
13. Dogs... are cute, I want a Yorkie and a Boxer... one day...
14. Cats...are okay... Not too fond of them, but I like them best when they're kittens.
15. Tomorrow is... Sabbath! I'm so happy for this day of rest.
16. I have a low tolerance for...... inconsiderate people.
17. If I had a million dollars... I would pay mine and my family's bills off, and then use the rest to invest and start my business. That would be great Lord...
18. I'm totally terrified of..... missing out on all of life's happiness and losing my family and friends.
19. I've come to realize that my last kiss..... was just to pass the time, no passion, no love... it was good though.
20. I am listening to.....the air conditioner... really soothing..
21. I talk... when I have something to say.... otherwise its me and my thoughts.
22. My best friend... my future husband... whomever he is and my brother.
23. My first real kiss... was crap lol.
25. Marriage is...... something that I want to be real, lifelong and ordained by God.
26. Somewhere, someone is thinking....... What is Krystle doing in Huntsville!? Hey their guess is as good as mine...
27. My cell phone is.... cool, I txt so much! I'm ready for the upgrade though.
28. Babies are....great as long as I can give them back until I have a husband to hand them over to...
29. Someone that will most likely re-post this is.....No one... Idon't anyone reads my blog anymore...
30. The last time I...... went swimming was a year ago... I have to make up for lost time. :)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Not sure what to say...

The last month has been an interesting one. One that I am still recovering from. I can't describe how happy I was to know that May was here and that time has elapsed. The people who I love most in life have shown me who they really are. I have learned from this situation that people are going to be who they are no matter what they tell you they are. And they will show you who they are in time just in case you have any doubts. Regardless of how people treat me I know my God is faithful. He's knows who I need to be around in hard times and who I need to stay away from. God is so good and right on time. Thank God for blessings we don't deserve.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


I passed my exit exam on March 17, 2009 with a 902. I needed a 900 to pass, God is so good!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

He's So Good!

The last time I really wrote I was so down and out about everything I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am so thankful now that so much has changed. I've learned so much about myself, life, men and my dreams. My hopes and dreams have since changed and I hope for much more than I have in the past. Even if all of my dreams don't come I know that I hoped for the best and not snything less than I ever wanted. In a few weeks I am going to be taking my exit exam for the fourth time and though I am hoping for the best I am also not limiting my options. my journey has taught me not to close myself off to other oppotunities and possibly other talents all because I have gotten comfortable. My journey in relationships has been rocky(for the last 6 years lol). There are some friendships with a few girls that I thought would last forever but we don't speak anymore... And my relationships with men have been to me a joke... and I can honesly only blame myself. I have realized that I love the people in my life hard, so if someone doesn't feel that from me then I don't love them simple as that. I have always tried to be selfless with the people I love because that I what I love to do and what I would like them to do for me. Giving too much of myself in the past has brought me to where I am today. I know that regardless of how much I love the people in my life I will still try my best to be there for them but I need to care for myself first and foremost.
God has been on my side the entire time, even when I chose not to acknowledge his presence. I had an expericne almost two months ago that helped me put it all into perspective. Dreams that I started to believe were unattainable are the dreams that I am actively persueing. I took a chance on God and resigned from my position at the hospital in order to study efficiently for my test. Since then I have no income but my God has been blessing me more than I ever expected. Worry serves me no purpose right now even though that is all I used to do.. I can't do it anymore because I know that I am only seeing one part of the picture. Right now I am just trying to go with the flow and enjoying the rollercoaster that God has me riding.