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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Recap of spring break and then some....

Days 4 and % of Spring Break were very relaxing. I went home to Atl and just enjoyed being taken care of again. I slept, ate and did some school work, all while chilling with the fam. Though I did not get all of my work done I have no regrets, I enjoyed myself.

I have an issue I would like share about RESPECT. Now this is something that we think we know all about. We may say that I will respect those who respect me or that if someone demands respect then they should get it. Okay well while talking to some males I've realized that there is a problem in our generation. There is a lack of respect for women on all levels. I have heard males say if a female doesn't respect herself then he will not respect her and treat her like a lady. THAT IS A PROBLEM! Sadly I've seen much lack of respect all around. It is bad enough to see it on t.v. or in a public place but at church? I've seen men not give there seat to an older lady on the bus. I've seen children disrespecting adults to their faces. I've even seen males who are my age talk to a female, calling her out of her name and she answers. Where has all the respect for ourselves, women, and our elders gone. It is not fair to say that there is nothing that can be done. I was talking with a guy who said to me that he would never hold the door open for a woman who did not respect herself. I told him that wasn't fair to her or to the other women out there. What happened to the days when guys pulled out chairs, offered up their seats, or carried heavy bags. There are still some guys who will do that but what about the others. Just because a female does not hold herself up to a certain standard to be treated does not mean that she should not be treated that way. Lets be real, today we can never be sure that everyone is taught respect but those of us who do know should mention it. When a girl is putting herself in a category with a piece of meat we should say something. And we should call guys out when there is blatant disrespect happening right in front of us. It seems that maybve everyone needs to be reminded that it could be their mother, sister, aunt, or grandmother being disrespected and their father, brother, uncle, or grandfather disrespecting them.


ゲームの皇帝 said...

Hey Krys, I do those things. But, it sometimes goes un-appreciated. SO what do I do, keep at it? Well why not, I try to be nice. But, as far as getting up on the bus? I do it too. Also, sometimes the "Rosco" Parks in me is like I ain't gettin' up>lol Sometimes I am pretty tired when I'm sitting down. Usually I stand....The will in me wants to get up and the majority of the times I do, but every once in a while. I"m like I ain't goin' to the back of the bus.

Raquel said...

Matt I agree, its hard to respect those wo dont deserve it. But its the Christian thing to do...its what God expects of us. And as for guys, its just plain being a gentlemen. Its being a hypocrite to cant pick and choose who you're kind to and then call yourself a respectful or kind person...

Justwrite85 said...

That's true Kell. Respect should be given because it is ultimately what you want. Respect breeds respect. Once a female sees how she can be treated respectfully maybe she will hold herself to a higher standard and demand that respect across the board.

Mel said...

what the heck is (FP)?

Mel said...

"Rosco"? Javario?

what the heck are ya'll talking about?

crazy people.....

Justwrite85 said...

FP means "first post." It's computer lingo (which we know NOTHING about).

ゲームの皇帝 said...

i thought it meant front page>lol that goes to show how much i know about computer lingo>lol

ゲームの皇帝 said...

rosco was like the male version of rosa parks. I made it up by the way