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Thursday, September 01, 2005

A new Begininging

Well the school year has begun and I am doing the impossible, LIVING WITHOUT INTERNET!! Oh the Horror!! It's so crazy cause its so hard to live without but I'm surviving. I'm in my own apartment and I am on my own( not completely but for the most part.) Anyway I am broke and I have an interview tomorrow for a job that I need desperately.

This school year I am doing alot. I'm basically about living life to the fullest this year. I am taking more classes than usual, trying to work two jobs, trying to get involved in sports, work on the yearbook committee and meet as many people as possible since I'm stayed in my room alot the past two years. I'm seriously going to enjoy this school year and so far I am. My brother is here with me and that's been fun having him here with me.

Life is a little hard though at times and I'm already feeling overwelmed with school. I am claiming the promise that through God all things are possible and that my grades will be really good this semester. I want to make God apart my life so much that everything else just falls into place. I just feel so busy and my mind is always going and racing. I don't have much time to relax anymore but I'm going to pace myself so that I don't have a nervous breakdown.

Anyway that is the update for now I will try to keep up even without internet(teardrop).
Lata people!!

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