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Thursday, July 28, 2005

And the morale of today's story is.....

My friends and I say that most of the time all we want is someone to give us a little attention. We are not being demanding but we are just trying to get back the love that we give out to others. Anyway let me tell you what happened to me. I have a friend who I didn't really know much about. Well this friend and I started talking more often and we have been getting to know each other better. I personally think that we found out too much about each other too soon. I think we may have crossed the line when it comes to what you should know about a friend. Don't get me wrong he is a good friend but I really think that there should be a limit to what you tell a friend and how soon. I found myself feeling uneasy around him and that is so not like me.

But in other news I am trying to get ready to go back to school. Just thinking about school has been so difficult for me. I don't want to think about it but at the same time I am sitting at home everyday doing nothing. I want to go because I feel like I'm wasting away but school is so demanding and I'm a nursing major! For all those who don't know its difficult okay... And I miss my friends Raquel, Deanna, Danielle, Mellena, Hermique, Melanie, Michele, oh yea and Jailyn too (even though she is not that far away). Yea okay that is all for me today. The morale of today's lesson is "Be Careful What You Ask For". Adios People.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7&8.

I am asking, I belive it and I'm claiming my blessing. And I am thanking the Lord in advance. :)

Monday, July 18, 2005

Respect is Earned not Given

I think it really hurts to know that someone you admire and respect does not respect you as much as you respect them. The greatest of friends are the ones that respect your opinion despite your differences. I have learned that people have opinions and it matters how you state your opinion in understanding and not the offend the other person. Because once a person begins to feel offended it is no longer a discussion but lawyers both defending their cases with their best defense. I know that I personally do not agree with everything that people do but who am I to tell them how to run their lives? People have to make their own choices and they come up with their own opinions. Just respecting how a person feels can be all the difference between a FRIEND or an AQUAINTANCE.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Okay, okay. Let me tell u about my day, well part of it. I went to a friends how to practice with other friends and I had an interesting experience. We spent most of the time talking and it wasn't what we were talking about but how the conversation was going. Back in the day we would have conversations like that but it wasn't about the same topics. Because we are all grown now, we can speak of different things because of our age. It was enlightening to me because it shows that we are all really grown up now. We are not that grown where we can have children and get married but we are getting there. Some sooner than others. It reminded me of what we werelike when we were younger and it gave me a glimpse of what we may be like when we get older. (Man life goes by so quickly...)I just wanted to share because it has become clear to me that life passes us by too quickly and we need to stop and take the time to enjoy it. Okay thats all I wanted to share. Nite...

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Doing big things, lol

So there is hope for reaching my goal still. I know I only have a month left of summer vacation but so many job opportunities are coming up now and I hope that they work out. I am now a certified nursing assistant and home health aide so that is an option. And I am truly being positive about what could happen at this point.

This summer has been an eye-opener for me. I am learned so much about myself and the summer isn't over so I know there is more that I am going to learn. Taking chances and trying new things has not been on my top priorities for the last few years and I have stuck to what was comfortable for me. But now I am stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things not drastically but just enough so I can get more life experience. Its crazy but I'm ready to grow up, meaning look and act like a grown-up. (Though I still look like I'm in high school.) But basically what I'm trying to do is spice up my life. lol. I know it sounds strange but sometimes you have to step out your comfort zone and take some chances no matter what you may think the outcome may be. Ok thats all folks. G'nite.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I really I have nothing to write about at least nothing I would like to tell. I'm just Lithonia...hoping that I will make some more money before the summer is over. My brother and I feel like bums cause we hardly worked this summer. Its all good though cause one day I'm gonna have a degree and I'll be able to get a job....I hope.
Anyway on a brighter note I enjoyed myself on the 4th of July I went to a barbeque and then a party with some friends. It wasn't so much what was going on but the people that I saw that made me enjoy myself. I saw some of my cousins and friends that I have not seen in years and its good to see that they are ok seeing as though we don't call each other. Yea but its always good to see old friends....
Well I think that is about all for tonight. Goodnight.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Social life? What's that?

Well this summer has honestlty been a little boring for me. Not enough "good" excitement. I just stay home and chill basically. I do not have much freedom here and I'm used to it but I want change. I thought when I reached this age that I would have endless things to do and people to see. Boy was I wrong. Anyway I can honestly say that i miss Oakwood but for one reason only. Because I had somewhat of a social life there. That is the only, only reason that I say I want to go back. Blockbuster has gotten too much of my time and money this summer. I'm gonna be 20 soon and I do nothing but stay home. I don't have a problem with being home but I would like to have the option of doing something other than watching movies. Yea as you can see I'm just venting I'll be better in the morning. Goodnight.