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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Got Standards?

There are many reasons why our generation is called "Generation X". One of the main reasons is the lack of morals and standards that are set. It seems like no one cares who does what with whom or about their reputations. Then there are few and faithful who refuse to give in to the things that they do not believe in. Or even those who may venture out and do something but then decide that it is not something that they want to be apart of. Though the few and faithful may get discouraged sometimes about not being noticed, they should not be because it is seen by others. A friend of mine said that though guys may not say it they notice a strong female who has standards and honestly may be intimidated by that. So ladies if you are strong and know what you stand for and won't stand for then know that someone notices and admires your will-power. Even sometimes when we may make mistakes because of our curiousity we can say that it is all in growing and learning. One thing that those with standards take for granted is that way after they are set that they still believe in it and will have the backbone to stand for it. Don't be discouraged if you may have ventured away from what you believe but take a moment and get yourself together. And even if you haven't strayed away make sure that the standards you set are what you still believe. Don't take your will-power for granted but acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and learn from your mistakes. And make sure that if you go against you standards that it is worth it and you won't regret it later.


Justwrite85 said...

Well my, my aren't we growing up. And even the guys don't like it I love the fact that there are intelligent women who can hold their own. So don't give up girl you can do it.

Mel said...

i do agree with the lady who just made a comment. Be intelligent and smart in your descisions, but don't get so picky ( or head strong in that matter)that you loose yourself and your curiosity of just being a young woman.

"Don't be stupid listen" -Taken from Stevie Wonder singing Why