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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

What if?....

What if we were to go back to the days where we didn't have cell phones and we could only send letters and not emails? What if we walked more and drove less? What if there wasn't a McDonald's only every corner and we had to cook our food every day!!! What if we stopped paying attention to the little insignificant things in life and started paying attention to the things that really matter? Then we would have to acknowledge what really matters... Technology was made to make our lives simpler but they have really made them more complicated. We just have more to worry about. If we didn't have cell phones we wouldn't have to worry about paying bills and having a job to pay those bills. If we didn't have cars we wouldn't have to worry about making sure our rides looked good cause we would all be walking. We wouldn't have to worry about our health because we would walk all, the freaking time! Now if you really think about it have technology made us better or our lives simpler? Ok, in some ways yes but for the most part no. But we have gotten so accustomed to having a gadget somewhere around us at all times that it almost seems impossible to live without. What happened to the days of just hopin that you would have a quater when you saw a pay phone? Though these gadgets are for our leisure lets not forget why they were invented in the first place. Don't get me wrong now I love, love gadgets but I have noticed that I can't seem to go anywhere without something electronic with me and I'm not sure if I like that kind of dependency.

Just something to think about... Like when you leave your cell at home and your entire day seems to just go wrong?... For a cell phone?


Rudy Wellsand said...

Ah! Every gadget runs with a CODE! God put DNA and RNA codes in us, plus many others that switch things ON and OFF in our bodies. He also put CODES in the Bible, that shows you HOW HE works in our lives. You can READ them RIGHT OUT OF YOUR OWN BIBLE! Visit:
See the "Chosen"Code in Gen.24:1-22 and "Color"Code in Isaiah 1:18. Visit the site and SEE! There's many more I haven't written yet.

Mel said...

great comment to whom ever u are.

Raquel said...

well then you'd be in Argentina... no seriously!