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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ready for the Truth?

I got a real reality check today. I have always thought that my personality has been one that just about anyone could deal with and understand. I always knew I could be mean but I would have never considered myself a mean person. A friend of mine shed some light on me this morning whe I asked her a honest question. It has just hit me though what all of my friends have been saying all along. They think I'm moody when to me it is just that I don't have anything to say or I'm thinking about things so I don't talk. I knida feel like I might be misunderstood but at the same time I am going to take this opportunity to see what it is that I can change about myself. I know all my friends probably think that I am an evil witch but I'm really not I care about all of them and if I have ever hurt or offended them in anyway because of my attitude then I apologize.


Mel said...

aww krys?
who told u that?
i dont think that ur as moody as me so thats a good thing for u. i know that i'm moody and i dont care.
anyway, glad ur growin' and taking heed to what others have/are said/saying.
dont change TOTALLY cuz then there would be no more krystlelyenne. just a lil' bit.
(taken from the witch)

Justwrite85 said...

whatever! you know you are mean girl but we still love you. I know that I can be the same at times.