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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Go after it...

Life is entirely too precious to waste on the things and people who do not really matter to us. Many times we hang on to things that are not worth hanging on to. Or sometimes we hang on to things without knowing why and we end up taking them for granted. I read a book yesterday that was so captivting that I read it in one day. In the book one of the main characters was a woman that was searching for love in all the wrong places as usual. And though she had an interest in someone she decided in herself that he wasn't in her league and that he had to be taken. Later on in the book she ended up meeting this man and they hit it off. Just when the story was getting picture perfect and they were engaged, she was murdered. The book ended in a sad way but I was not necessarily upset about the ending. Life is really like that sometimes and we waste time not going after what we want and think could possibly happen. I'm not saying take every chance that there is because most decisions need alot of thought. But why not give some extra thought cause you never know what can happen. Do not waste your life, take chances but don't take chances that will cause you to waste your life. Lata People.
Please let me know what you think, cause I'm still contemplating on this.


Mel said...

well krystle,
i think u know how i feel about this situation and if u don't remember then i'll kind of elaborate on what i have already said to u b4.
i do believe that one should do what their heart feels they should do. sometimes we don't understand that meaning and we often misplace our heart crying out for "lust".
one shouldn't go after something just because we have been feeling it for quite sometime. do it because u can't eat, sleep and it now it hurts to talk about it. it should only be natural, but just dont mistake it for lust.
that's my spill on it.

Justwrite85 said...

Life is to short and heaven is to close to waste...your life

Raquel said...

krystle, be careful what you go after. everything that glitters is not gold, make sure that God is leading in all your decisions