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Friday, November 04, 2005

When you reach your breaking point....

Ok so you're going through the semester and you have that one class that is just not working with you. It seems as though no matter how much you study and extra work that you practice that you are not getting the grades that you want. In your mind the teacher hates you just because your not doing well. You might even feel like the slowest person in your class. Then comes midterms and you have stressed yourself out so much that you are giving up hope of improvement. Think of this, everyone else in your class thinks the same thing about you. Would you be encouraged to try harder? You should because somewhere in your life there is that one person that is routing for you and believes more in you than you do in yourself. And it seems whenever you reach that point where you want to give up you either remember who believes in you or that person has an encouraging word for you. There is always that person that looks up to you and admires your gifts, talents, and achievements that you may not even consider important. When it some down to it if you are doing your best and are using the gifts given to you for the best of your ability then you have nothing to be ashamed of. The biggest failures in life are the ones that never even try, but the successful ones are the ones who may have tried just about everything to find what they are the best at. Keep trying, don't give up.


Justwrite85 said...

Snap, Snap...:-)

Raquel said...

very encouraging krystle. for me that person is my mom and was my grandad, he thought i could be the next president if i wanted to. thought i could take on the world cuz i'm kellee and every time i want to give up i think of him. know that im proud of you for your talents esp since youre studying to be a nurse, a profession that i highly respect and wish that i had the guts to pursue. dont give up because i need to be one of my friends who becomes successful and im counting on you. love you and keep up the encouraging words.