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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Enjoy every moment and be encouraged

Moments in our lives that we may not find interesting or important should not be rushed. Every experience and situation shapes us into the person that we will one day be. Think of all the great people that there are that went through hard times that they didn't even want to deal with. But it was not until they went through those trials that they became stronger. Think about that the next time you face a challenge that you may want to rush or give up on. Stop to look at what you could be when that situation is over.

Just a little motivation to encourage you. I will begin writing my inspriational book soon.... I'll keep you updated on when it comes out.


Justwrite85 said...

Very nice. I like it, it really encouraged me. Good job! I'll look for your book soon.

Raquel said...

i love the photo. it alone is seriously inspiring...its like, "dude, I SAID GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN!" get it girl