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Monday, November 14, 2005

My Boo?

Ok think back to the past, to your first love, like or someone special. Next think on how you've moved beyond it and may be cordial or even friends with that person now. You think you've got all your feelings in check and then someone asks you, "Hey what about you and so and so?" And you're like, "what? thats in the past!". Then someone else asks you and then someone else. And you know that it isn't conspiracy so you start wondering "What about me and so and so?" Don't you hate when that happens? But wait here's the icing on the cake. The song by Usher and Alicia Keys comes on, "My Boo". By then you're really wondering, "Should I give that another chance?" But you come back to your senses when you have an interaction with that someone that makes you remember why it didn't work out in the first place.
I was just pondering on this because of how much this seems to happen. Everyone who thinks they know you wants to hook you up with the person from your past. Live and make your own decisions.


Justwrite85 said...


Mel said...

wow, krys, i'm still pondering about this one. who's bn asking u about ur ex????

Mel said...

ok, seriously, now i can say that i'm going through something similar. it was a sad ending that turned out to be not so bad (if u understand what i'm saying). all i can say is u HAVE to make ur own decisions or else.............

Raquel said...

well i agree to a certain extent. DEFINENTLY MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS! but i was reading this article on second chances from cosmo...brought out some very interesting and true points. just made me realize that just because its in the past doesnt always mean that you have to rule it out completely, u know?