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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 3

Day 3 of Orientation started out pretty well. Partly because I had a good breakfast and more sleep but mostly because I had some coffee. Since I've been out of the classroom setting for so long its really hard for me to sit still and listen to someone talk for 8 hours a day without falling asleep. I know it also has to do with lack of sleep because I'm still getting adjusted to going to sleep early again. I learned a lot and had a lot of information reinforced also. Kinda made me excited to get out on the floor, but nervous at the same time.

My prayers tonight took long.So many people to pray for! Prayer works though!

I hope I can fall asleep now.. I've been lying in bed trying to for at least an hour. I tried reading, singing.. I give up... I'm just gonna look at the ceiling until it comes.

I read a line in Proverbs tonight that said something that I needed to hear.
"A prudent man concealeth knowledge..." translation : Krystle keep your mouth shut.

Speak Lord!

Saturday, August 01, 2009


When I left for college I left my church behind and always thought I would come back to it. After being away for so long and seeing life outside of it I have to admit I have no interest in attending there anymore. It's not that I don't love the people but I'm ready to find my only place that I can relate to. I feel like my old church focuses on things that are irrelevant and I would rather go on to the important things. Former church members get offended when I tell them that I don't really want to attend there but I don't think they understand that I experienced different things and I am ready and willing to move on to a new church. I can't really relate to anyone in my old church anymore. There weren't many people my age anyway and the people that were there now have children or are married. I can't relate to them on that level anymore especially since I'm single and just starting out in life. I don't know its hard enough making friends here in atlanta especially since all my friends are elsewhere but man... people's lives change so quickly.
Anyway that's my dilemma for today. I just always seem to feel bad when I tell people how I feel.