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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

New semester and already DRAMA, But this year is already yours!!

This semester seems so promising when during the break I honestly did not know what to think. Jaquece and Jailyn don't worry the Lord is going to take care of you and bless you both. Mel this is definetly your year. Kelle this is your year too and you're starting off with the enperience of a lifetime. Danielle new experiences and trials only come to make us stronger. Candace keep pimping. Mellena yours is coming chica. I wish I could say how I'm thinking and feeling right now but all I can say is let God help you live up to your full potential. This your year ladies, everyone of you!! Claim it!



Justwrite85 said...

I LOVE IT! Thanks Krystle!

Raquel said...

you're right Krystle, this is your year too homie. No Worries, No Cares, Just JESUS! and don't be M.I.A. on the blog for so long next time, I start to worry about you.

Mel said...

awww, thanx krys!

i do believe that this is my year for many reasons, but i do know that God is helping me get better aquainted with him each day.

thats a blessing in itself.

and i do believe that this is your year too, but u'll have to wait to see it come to play.