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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Go after it...

Life is entirely too precious to waste on the things and people who do not really matter to us. Many times we hang on to things that are not worth hanging on to. Or sometimes we hang on to things without knowing why and we end up taking them for granted. I read a book yesterday that was so captivting that I read it in one day. In the book one of the main characters was a woman that was searching for love in all the wrong places as usual. And though she had an interest in someone she decided in herself that he wasn't in her league and that he had to be taken. Later on in the book she ended up meeting this man and they hit it off. Just when the story was getting picture perfect and they were engaged, she was murdered. The book ended in a sad way but I was not necessarily upset about the ending. Life is really like that sometimes and we waste time not going after what we want and think could possibly happen. I'm not saying take every chance that there is because most decisions need alot of thought. But why not give some extra thought cause you never know what can happen. Do not waste your life, take chances but don't take chances that will cause you to waste your life. Lata People.
Please let me know what you think, cause I'm still contemplating on this.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Holidays are for families

In case you didn't realize Holidays are for families, friends and all the people that you love. Some of most bad times occur on holidays with families and when you can look back at the situations and laugh it is wonderful. I love my family so much and we're all going to be together again this Christmas. This will be my first Christmas with both sides of my family to together (this should be exciting). The only sad thing is that my grandmother is not with us, but its alright because I am hoping to see her again one day.

I am in New York right now and I have been spending alot of time with my cousin. We are so alike (stobborn and headstrong) that I hope we don't fight while I'm here. I love her with all my heart and I feel that she is my twin but I'm afraid that we're going to bite each others heads off. But yea we're going to have fun anyway, cause I don't know whwne I'm going to be able to see her again.

To my girls: Jailyn, Melanie, Candace, Raquel, Deanna, Mellena, Danielle, Jaquece and Hermique Happy Holidays Ladies!! Hugs all around and not too much bubbly. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Well I'm signing off now, Merry Christmas to all. Enjoy it no matter who its with.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Got Standards?

There are many reasons why our generation is called "Generation X". One of the main reasons is the lack of morals and standards that are set. It seems like no one cares who does what with whom or about their reputations. Then there are few and faithful who refuse to give in to the things that they do not believe in. Or even those who may venture out and do something but then decide that it is not something that they want to be apart of. Though the few and faithful may get discouraged sometimes about not being noticed, they should not be because it is seen by others. A friend of mine said that though guys may not say it they notice a strong female who has standards and honestly may be intimidated by that. So ladies if you are strong and know what you stand for and won't stand for then know that someone notices and admires your will-power. Even sometimes when we may make mistakes because of our curiousity we can say that it is all in growing and learning. One thing that those with standards take for granted is that way after they are set that they still believe in it and will have the backbone to stand for it. Don't be discouraged if you may have ventured away from what you believe but take a moment and get yourself together. And even if you haven't strayed away make sure that the standards you set are what you still believe. Don't take your will-power for granted but acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and learn from your mistakes. And make sure that if you go against you standards that it is worth it and you won't regret it later.

December 20, 2005

It is 4 days before Christmas and I am just getting home. I drove back today to make a flight tomorrow morning to New York!! I might get a white Christmas this year. Its been so long since I've had a Christmas in NY. I have great expectations about this Christmas break. Not necessarilly presents but to have fun with my family. Merry Christmas and Season's Greetings to all!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

What if?....

What if we were to go back to the days where we didn't have cell phones and we could only send letters and not emails? What if we walked more and drove less? What if there wasn't a McDonald's only every corner and we had to cook our food every day!!! What if we stopped paying attention to the little insignificant things in life and started paying attention to the things that really matter? Then we would have to acknowledge what really matters... Technology was made to make our lives simpler but they have really made them more complicated. We just have more to worry about. If we didn't have cell phones we wouldn't have to worry about paying bills and having a job to pay those bills. If we didn't have cars we wouldn't have to worry about making sure our rides looked good cause we would all be walking. We wouldn't have to worry about our health because we would walk all, the freaking time! Now if you really think about it have technology made us better or our lives simpler? Ok, in some ways yes but for the most part no. But we have gotten so accustomed to having a gadget somewhere around us at all times that it almost seems impossible to live without. What happened to the days of just hopin that you would have a quater when you saw a pay phone? Though these gadgets are for our leisure lets not forget why they were invented in the first place. Don't get me wrong now I love, love gadgets but I have noticed that I can't seem to go anywhere without something electronic with me and I'm not sure if I like that kind of dependency.

Just something to think about... Like when you leave your cell at home and your entire day seems to just go wrong?... For a cell phone?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ready for the Truth?

I got a real reality check today. I have always thought that my personality has been one that just about anyone could deal with and understand. I always knew I could be mean but I would have never considered myself a mean person. A friend of mine shed some light on me this morning whe I asked her a honest question. It has just hit me though what all of my friends have been saying all along. They think I'm moody when to me it is just that I don't have anything to say or I'm thinking about things so I don't talk. I knida feel like I might be misunderstood but at the same time I am going to take this opportunity to see what it is that I can change about myself. I know all my friends probably think that I am an evil witch but I'm really not I care about all of them and if I have ever hurt or offended them in anyway because of my attitude then I apologize.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Winding down

The countdown has begun for the last few days of school. There is only one more full week of school and then it is finals!! This semester went by very quickly and throughout all the stressed times we still managed to enjoy ourselves. All that stressing and we have made it out okay. It makes you wonder if you really needed to stress yourself out in the first place. Many times we have wondered what the point of school was anyway. It seems like all it does is make you tired and want to lose your religion. But all in all we have made it through more that half way. We are at the end of the race and we need to finsh the race strong so that we will reach the finish line. "The race is nto for the swift but fo rthose who persevere to the end."