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Sunday, August 14, 2005

A Reason, Season, or Lifetime?

I think I am one of the few people I know who really believed that the friends that I have in my teenage years I can take into my adult years. I always thought my friends and I were good enough to each other and loved each other enough that nothing would break us apart. But time has a way of showing us what is really there and true natures. It is kinda disappointing to me that this is happeneing because it seems that my personal world is not what I always thought it was. So right now I'm at the point where I am reevaluating friendships and figuring out which friendships are worth saving. I'm not saying that I don't love my friends because I do. The problem is that even though I have loved them the way I expected them to love me and I didn't get that love in return. I'm gonna still love them but not all friends are not gonna last forever sadly. Some people are placed in our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime and only time will tell which friends will last a lifetime.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Thank God for forgiveness

I am so glad that when we make mistakes we can be forgiven. It seems that the one area that we seem to be strong in seems to be the first area that we fail in. When we put too much confidence in ourselves we lose what we have worked so hard to build up. My advice to everyone is to never put oo much confidence in yourself because at the most unrecognizable moment something will happen to make us question everything about ourselves. The areas that I believed I was strong in are the areas that I let my guard down because I had my confidence in myself and not in God. Now my prayer is that I take time to put my faith in God and not myself. There is alot more to this situation but I'll just leave it at that.

Recently one of my friends had her heart broken and I always wonder why God allows us to feel that kind of pain. Then I remember that everytime that we do something that He does not approve of that is how he feels. A broken heart is one of the worst pains to deal with and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I just wish each of our lives came with a handbook to let us know what is coming and how we should deal with situations. At least a little sneak peak at the future. But then life would not have its suprises and everything would be boring but extremely drama free( that would be great). But like one of my boys always says "Such is life and life goes on..."

Goodnite. Pray for me Kelle and Lynn and I'll pray for you too.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Weekend into the School Year

I had a really good weekend. Church was good and after I spent some time with friends and with family. I later went back to church and my friends and I were deciding what to do for the night. We were planning to go to the movies but ended up going out to eat. It was fun and we enjoyed each others company more than we enjoyed the food. Nothin special we just wanted to spend some time out of the house with friends before we all went back to school or would be away from each other. I'm gonna miss my friends but I know that seeing them again will be much more fun. I'm gonna be leaving my home and my comfort zone in a week and I'm kinda apprehensive of what I'll be meeting when I go back to Huntsville. I don't know if I'm ready to go back to studying, being in a "limited" environment, not having the people I grew up with around me and not having my parents to lean on when I don't want to be an adult. But at the same time I can't wait to chill with my girls again and finally be on my own. It is all so exciting but so scary and I am not rushing my summer to an end. I want to enjoy the last of it because I know once I get my first test I'll want to be back home watching tv all day all over again. (wink, wink) Lata.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Don't Give Up

Do you remember giving up on something as a child? Like playing the piano or a sport? Well I did but I wish that I had practiced all those times that my parents told me "Don't waste my money!" I started playing the saxophone when I was in sixth grade (about 8 years ago...a loooong time). Anyway I loved my instrument when I started playing and I didn't know any girls who played it so I loved that too. But because I was not constantly taking lessons and had no competition to give me motivation I wouldn't play until the week before I had to perform. Its so sad because I would practice for that one week and do a good job but didn't think about if I practiced more how good I would be now! I kinda want to go back in time and slap myself.

Anyway I have been trying to practice more and get to where I think I should be but its difficult and quite discouraging. I'm trying to be a trooper though and keep on trying. I don't want to ever give up on anything again. Cause I don't want to look back and wish that I had did something different.

Thats all for now. Nite.