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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Black in America 2

I was really inspired by this years program. There is so much that I want to do and so many ideas in my head that I sometimes feel like I'm not going to be able to accomplish it all. Watching the program has given me the fire though to get started, do my research and make no excuses. This is my dream and if I don't do what God has given me a passion for He will find someone else to do it. So I'm off to work. If you know one of my dreams get ready to be one of my "guinea pigs". Hey, I have to start somewhere! Off to work!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


It's been a while since I've gotten to write on my blog. Since the last time I took and passed the boards, moved back to Atlanta and got a new job. Many changes in a small space of time. Usually I don't like change but this time I really believe it has been better than not letting things change. Moving back to atlanta has been the biggest change to me. I went from being independent to back at home with the family and so far everything has been good... but it's still early. I think moving home is one of the best things I could have done. Yea there are positives and negatives of being back but I can handle the negative.

Today I'm headed to my friends wedding and I am so happy for him. I remember when told me that he had proposed to he, he was so excited. It's amazing to see men that are happy with the women they have chosen to marry. A man in love is an exciting thing to see. I'm so happy for him.

Also today is my brother's birthday! He's 22 today and starting to grow up.