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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tough Cookie.

The past few months have been crazy. I get overwelmed just thinking of everything that has happened. Through it all I have learned a few things. 1) Real life is tough, no matter how nice others make it seem. 2) Real friends always show their faces when times get tough. 3) The people who tell you the truth all the time and especially when you don't want to hear it are the ones that should be kept close by. 4) Look though someone elses glasses to make sure you're getting a clear picture in yours. 5) God knows best and His time is not our time. Honestly very few people know what I have been dealing with in the last few months. Sometimes when things come up no matter how hard to try to explain to people how you feel sometimes they just don't get it. Many times this semester I realized that my life is about finding the answer to solve the problem. The problem in the problem sometimes is that there is no solution... So what's the answer? I have no clue! Why do you think I'm writing? Do you follow you're heart? Or use logic? They both seem like they could work but real life isn't that simple. The hardest thing for me to do was stay strong. I was always so easy in the past but it has gotten harder. I have been broken. The year is wrapping up and I am very glad. I'm ready to begin a new year and do this one right. 2007 is mine! Stake your claim on it too but this year is ending and my baggage is staying there.


Justwrite85 said...

I LOVE IT!!! You can do it girl. I totally agree with you. You know my motto baggage is not cute on anyone. Name it and claim it.

PS Stop taking my blog theme

ゲームの皇帝 said...
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ゲームの皇帝 said...

I feel you'll definately have a great year! Just as long as your will to do well is as it was or will be; you'll be fine! I won't accept anything less than a good year myself! Just as long as you don't crumble, no one bites you, or crushes you, etc! take care!



Mel said...


it will only happen if u do this and u look like ur in the process of doing this. i'm happy that u r letting go and keep hanging in there.


ur trials may be someone elses blessing.....there is a witness in EVERYTHING we do!!!!