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Monday, April 24, 2006

Starting a Trend

I spent another weekend at home, again, not sure if it was by choice though. Both Alumni weekend and Youth Congress weekend I did not do what I usually would, instead I stayed away from the crowds. I actually have felt more relaxed and I have come to terms with the fact that I am not a "social butterfly". Learning to be comfortable with myself is one of the hardest things that I have had to do, but I am having fun doing it. Everything around me is changing and I am learning to deal with it without rejecting it. Everyone around me is changing and growing also. Good job guys!

Alright well that's all for now. This is the last week of classes and I know that I do not feel like studying anythign or looking at a single book. I just want to sleep, eat, an dmake money. Okay so I'm jumping the gun a little bit, I know I have to take my finals first. 4 more days, and I can take a break.


Justwrite85 said...

Krystle whether or not you know it you are growing too. It's good that you are learning to take steps and make strides but sometimes you have got to leap (blindfolded!). Just know that no matter how far we go nothing and no "ONE" with ever come between our friendship

ゲームの皇帝 said...

Hey, I think she's right. You are growing; and definately aren't done. So butterflism isn't for everyone. So, you will grow in your own great way. I'm mad that ya'll are gettin' out so early! But, it's cool; hope you do good in finals etc. Bye...


ゲームの皇帝 said...

ooops>lol good thing I came back>lol Butterflyism>lol whatever.... eventhough this isn't a word it's easier to understand than butterflism...

Raquel said...

hey krystle. that was really encouraging...i feel myself fighting the growth process a lot but whats wrong with? i should embrace the whole stage of adulthood thats coming quickly like a slap to the face. sigh. im tired girl. i really am just ready to come home. that has nothing to do with your blog but lately i cant focus...its time

Justwrite85 said...
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Justwrite85 said...

I had two comments posted here. What happened to my other one?