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Monday, January 30, 2006

Singing it out, better yet Shout it out!!

Have you ever wanted to say something or explain how you were feeling but you did not know how to do it? Billie Holiday is just singing it out I don't know which song she is inging about but she is singing. Just about every emotion can be equated with this picture. She could be mad at someone, or sad and instead of crying may be singing it out. She sould be passionate about something that she is thinking about or excited about a new day to come. Sing whatever song you want to sing through Ms. Holiday and let is all out. You should never be afraid to let it all out. When you let it all out it does doesn't have to be for anyone to see or hear but just so you can have some peace of mind. There have been a few warm days lately, enjoy them when you're out in the sun and think about what you want to sing about.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Are we really ready for changes?

Last night ended the back to school revival for this semester. When the altercall was made I was really struggling about whether I should get up. You see this is very difficult for me because of how public that action is. Finally I asked a friend to come with me and I went. After thinking it over for a while I wanted to get rebaptized. Pray for me please. I don't really know if I can give up those things that may cause me to fall or stay away from my weaknesses. My girls (S.A.L.S.A., Inc.) please pray for me.


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Just Another Day

Sorry its been so long since I've been on the blog Kelle, I'll try not to do that to you again. Guess what I have internet at my apt!!! I'm so happy. Anyway from now on I'll make sure and keep up with my fellow bloggers.

A question that has been onmy mind today is, "Why do people stereotype psychologists and therapists are so afraid to go talk to them?" Tell me what you think I would really like to know.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

New semester and already DRAMA, But this year is already yours!!

This semester seems so promising when during the break I honestly did not know what to think. Jaquece and Jailyn don't worry the Lord is going to take care of you and bless you both. Mel this is definetly your year. Kelle this is your year too and you're starting off with the enperience of a lifetime. Danielle new experiences and trials only come to make us stronger. Candace keep pimping. Mellena yours is coming chica. I wish I could say how I'm thinking and feeling right now but all I can say is let God help you live up to your full potential. This your year ladies, everyone of you!! Claim it!


Friday, January 13, 2006

This may be our Year!!! 2006 Here we come!

Take this year one day at a time.
Know when to seize the day and when not to.
Enjoy the things you love most as long as you'll have them.
Take care of yourself, mind, body and soul.
Never forget to take time for you.
Give your heart cautiously but make sure to give your heart.
And remember that through it all God is your ultimate and best friend.

Give your best in the new year.