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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Enjoy every moment and be encouraged

Moments in our lives that we may not find interesting or important should not be rushed. Every experience and situation shapes us into the person that we will one day be. Think of all the great people that there are that went through hard times that they didn't even want to deal with. But it was not until they went through those trials that they became stronger. Think about that the next time you face a challenge that you may want to rush or give up on. Stop to look at what you could be when that situation is over.

Just a little motivation to encourage you. I will begin writing my inspriational book soon.... I'll keep you updated on when it comes out.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Words cannot express....

I was talking with some friends last night about how life is for us right now. And in trying to explain to them how I felt about the past few weeks I couldn't. I didn't know what to say, how to say it, or where to start. I am seriously at a loss for words. At this point I don't think anyone but God will understand and I am not going to attempt to try either. Somethings are just better left unsaid. There are just sometimes when people have to take a minute and try to figure out things on their own. Hey.... here's an interesting question... have you ever regretted wanting to be grown up too quickly? I think I do....actually I know I do.....until next time..

Monday, October 10, 2005


Ok I am majoring in Nursing and Fitness & Wellness and it getting tough. It's not that I don't want to do it(even though I was rethinking my career a few weeks ago) I know what I want to do and I'm excited to do it. But now it seems that I don't have enough time in the day to it all. I feel so overwhelmed and I honestly want to give up at times. Classes are no joke this year. I am still trying to order books and keep up my grades. All in all I know God is on my side because certain things have worked out that I know only God could handle. Though I feel overwhelmed I am not failing thank God. I am claiming that I make it to the end of this semester. the funny thing is that I fall asleep studying now. I have never done that before. I'll be reading one minute and nodding off the next that is too funny(I used to laugh at people that I saw sleeping like that.) Talking with my fellow nursing majors helps me not to give up. We are all burnout and are not healthy at all right now. We are probably the most unhealthy students on Oakwood's campus. We eat in class, we sleep while studying or in class , and we have no social life. Man if we're like this now will it get any worse when we get jobs or maybe they're just trying to prepare us for our jobs as nurses. Its so crazy how the people who have to constantly take care of others do not have time to care for themselves.

Don't get me wrong now I love it, I really do. Anytime I get a chance to watch tv I am watching Discovery Health or a Sports channel. I love what I'm doing but I'm just a littl tired right now.

Just wanted to update on school life. Lata.