So lately the only clothes that I can fit comfortably are my jeans and scrubs. I'm so thankful that I can because the place I go to most often is work. Anyway I've gained about 15-20 pounds depending on the day.. smh. Anyway if you don't believe me check out these pictures and compare the two. The one on the left is from July 2009 and the one on the right from February 2010.. two weeks ago. I took the same pose..not on purpose.. and look what I saw! Fat! OMGeee!
I have to admit then I was doing Zumba and I had just moved back home and was running 3 miles a day outside. Since then and over the winter months I haven't run outside as much because of the weather and I also was under a lot of stress at my old job. Usually I lose weight under stress but I guess since I'm getting older I did the opposite this time. I'm determined to get it off and I've been doing way more than before to get back to where I was.
This was from a few years ago at ESPN Zone

Now its already bad that I haven't been to church much not because I didn't want to but because I can't fit any of my clothes... It really makes me sad because all my clothes always had extra room..except my jeans. I don't know what to do! I've been working out four days a week (Spin classes, weights, and running) since January and eating salads and trail mix and only drinking water. Any nothing. I still can't fit any clothes. I actually split my scub pants yesterday while stooping down to give a little girl a hug when I was leaving work! I was devastated.. and I headed directly to the gym after leaving work. What to do I don't know... I'm just venting... but I have to figure out a new strategy. I've even thought about becoming a vegan so that I can lose more weight.. I know that's not the right reason to change to that lifestyle but at least I'll know that my passing up Krispy Kreme