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Friday, October 31, 2008

Why Do We Put Limits?

God is so good and honestly we don't give him credit for all He does, can do and will do for us. Often we don't know how much our doubt in God determines how much faith we have and how we will get a blessing. Don't get me wrong we shouldn't believe or have faith only for a blessing because we don't deserve anything in this world that we have been given. Nothing in this world has our names written on it and we desreve none of it. We honestly don't even deserve salvation but God in all His mercy and love has decided to give us sinners what we don't deserve because He loves us that much. He heals us, provides us with food, shelter, clothing, loving friends and family...that is far more than most have ever had. Be Thankful He has been so good! I'm getting excited just thinking about how He has healed me in the last few months, delivered me from school, protected me from harm, and paid my rent every month especially when I wasn't working! I just want to shout right now, He's so good! Lets not take him for granted. Everything He does is just because He loves us and if we only put Him first and trust Him all the obstacles that plague our lives will not be so bad because we will won't be trying to fight the battle alone. I pray that everyone finds out how much God loves and cares for them... Knowing that God cares feels diffrent than knowing that people care about you. It's as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders and someone is carrying you all the way. Praise Him! Don't limit my God, there is nothing too hard for Him!

Save Yourselves from Yourselves!

Ok I'm am upset right now because some of the mistakes that we make in life can be avoided! I found out about a situation with some people I know back home that is upsetting me. Some mistakes should not have to be experienced by all to know that they should be avoided. Just like we shouldn't drive our cars long-distance without gas we should be prepared and protect ourselves by making sure there is enough gas in our cars! I do understand that often times things happpen reagrdless of how much we try to plan but often its more of our negligence that has gotten us to reach the consequences than conincidece. Lets take responsibility for our actions and charge of our futures. Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction so lets protect ourselves from those reactions. Even if the reaction has already come.. educate someone else and start protecting yourself and those around you!