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Saturday, August 16, 2008


Secrets need to be kept to protect the person whose secret it is. Often times we tell people information that we need not tell because they are going off of their life experiences and are discouraging to us. When I tell someone something and I feel bad afterwards because of their response or a look I keep a mental note not to discuss such topics with them again. There are so many things that I wish I could talk to people about but because I know that encouragement and support will not follow in response I keep these things to myself.
Of course for me that is not always easy... Knowing that I have to keep all my feelings, aspirations, and desires to myself because I don't any negative thoughts planted into my mind really sucks. Real friends tell you the truth but also know that negative statements will not make their friend feel better.
I really wish I could truly vent without feeling like I'm being judged.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My duty?...

What are we held accountable for? What are our ultimate expectations of ourselves and how are they determined? Often we make a decision to do something based on how we would like to see ourselves one day. Though there isn't anything wrong with envisioning a better you.. at what point do we accept who we are and where we are? I have and still am struggling with accepting myself, my life and my expectations that may not have been reached for one reason or another. How do we know what your duty is in life then? At what point do we give up the fantasies and live in reality? Are out to run after our fantasies or do we wait for a sign to drop into our laps from God so that we can know what move to make next?
The reality is that God gave us a brain and the power of choice so that we can make the decision. At times executive decisions will be made and at that point we have to take into account that we do not see the bigger picture. The most difficult part is also the easiest. It is difficult to relinquish that control and desire to run our own lives but once we do it we see how easy it actually was and how much easier our lives are with them in God's hands.
So what is my duty? my passion? my next destination?
Nursing, Physical Trainer, Business Owner.... maybe all three?!
I really don't know but I can't wait to find out.