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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Don't know what to think....

I am so torn and confused inside right now. I'm tired of this rollercoaster. Sad thing is when I pray I don't feel like God hears me. I know no one reads these anymore but just pray...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Full Yet?

How do you decide that enough is enough? When do you know that you've had your fill. My heart yearns for more but my mind says that I'll full for right now... Should I push it away or hold onto it until it spoils because I don't want anyone to have any? Maybe I should just enjoy knowing that we were enjoying each other... Now I push it away because though I'm full and don't want to let go, I would rather have it come back my way the next time I'm hungry than sitting in front of me and spoiling. So goodbye ................. With love,


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Another year done!

This school year is has been the craziest ever. From not having a car for most of last semester, to having my ex-roommate move her boyfriend in to our apartment... man things have really been crazy not even including the little things that took place in between all of this. Most of all I can see though many bad things have happened, many good things too. I recieved a scholarship that I didn't apply for and moved into a better apartment with a great roommate... and not to mention that other good stuff that I cannot mention out loud yet. Thanks be to God for helping all of us through this school year. Congrats Raquel, Jailyn, and Candace.